rus / eng
+7 926 702 93 99 / +7 917 516 48 47



In March 2011, registered Association of Sugar Producers of the Customs Union.

The Association was established pursuant to the decision of the Advisory Council ountries-participants of the Customs Union in order to coordinate the activities of sugar of the Customs Union, the representation and protection of common property interests in the organs of state power and administration, institutions of the Customs Union and international organizations to strengthen unity and mutual assistance, as well as promote the development of the sugar beet industry of these countries, and the effective functioning of the sugar market in their territory.

In 2015, the Association of Sugar Producers of the Customs Union was renamed the Eurasian Sugar Association

Supported by

Supported by
Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Institutional partner

Institutional partner
MGUPP is the largest educational and scientific center that creates the scientific foundations of modern multilevel education, scientific and technological solutions for the production of basic food products from raw materials of plant and animal origin.
Over the years of its existence, the University has trained about 45 thousand process engineers, mechanics, designers, economists, over 420 doctors and about 3300 candidates of sciences, more than 3600 specialists for foreign countries. The professors and teachers of the University are the authors of more than 600 textbooks, monographs and fundamental scientific works, a huge number of educational and teaching aids.
The formation and development of the university is associated with the names of outstanding scientists and teachers, organizers of higher education and scientific research, who have received Russian and international recognition.
Institutional partner
The Association was registered in April 2013. The organization comprises four sugar factories of Belarus: JSC "Gorodeya sugar factory", JSC "Zhabinka sugar factory", JSC "Skidel sugar factory", OJSC "Slutsk sugar factory".

The Association was established to promote the interests of the Belarusian sugar industry in foreign markets, including in the framework of the Customs Union.

General information partner

General information partner
Scientific-technical and industrial magazine with 90-year history of service for beet-sugar production. The magazine is on the list of leading periodicals of HAC. Since 2012 it is also available in an electronic version.

General partner

General partner
VOLGOHIMNEFT founded in 1993.

We are a diversified, successfully growing company.

Our goal is to be the best partner for our customers.

We are ready to offer our customers high-tech, in-demand products and professional service.

The experience and resources possessed by volgohimneft, allow us to constantly develop production technologies and joint projects with our partners.

We have a modern laboratory and production.

Professional team of our company can confidently look to the future and to achieve their goals.

Registration partner

Registration partner
As a world leader on the market of construction and modernization of sugar mills, production equipment and services for the sugar industry, BMA AG since 1853, follows its own principles and has long-term experience and excellent market knowledge, brilliant engineering, high efficiency of the produced equipment, a unique organization of construction works, post-sales services and technological support. The branched structure of the group's subsidiaries BMA AG allows you to confidently attend the markets of all regions of the world and to be always in direct contact with the Customer.
The subsidiary company "of BMA RUSSLAND", which has a staff of more than 135 highly skilled engineers and a team of more than 200 professional builders, offers a full range of expert services for sugar factories.
LLC "BMA RUSSLAND", 394036, Voronezh, Komissarzhevskaya street, 10; bodies.: + 7 (473) 260 69 91; e-mail:;,


The Putsch® Group is one of the leading international providers of technology for the planning, construction and modernization of sugar factories and refineries. As a “global player” in the sugar and sweetener industry, Putsch® has designed and manufactured cutting-edge technology for the sugar-producing industry for more than 140 years.
The range of products for sugar production spans the complete spectrum – from beet recieving and preparation to slicing and juice purification to filtration equipment as well as sugar transport and loading systems.
The Putsch® Group – your partner for research and development, planning and design as well as the manufacture and installation of equipment. From basic engineering, implementation of the systems and after-sales service – all the expertise that you need in one place!
GEA Heat Exchangers has changed: another new standalone company has been created out of the former Heat Exchanger Division of the GEA Group AG. The name Kelvion is new, but we continue as global experts in heat exchange. As always, we remain committed to earning your trust.
You’ll still recognize us. We continue to develop our products, manufacture them with precision and distribute globally. We continue to offer one of the world's largest heat exchanger product portfolios: Plate heat exchangers, shell & tube heat exchangers, finned tube heat exchangers, modular cooling towers and refrigeration heat exchangers for a wide range of applications.
We operate in global markets for power generation, oil and gas, chemistry, marine applications, climate and environment, food, beverages and sugar. From us, you can expect products with outstanding levels of efficiency, safety, and sustainability. More importantly, we care about your business, like close, trusted partners.
Customers rely on us to understand their needs, boost their performance, and deliver products that always get the job done. We compete for the toughest deals, in the harshest environments. But we're not too big to care.
We’re Kelvion – ready to take on the challenges of heat exchange.
NT-Prom, LLC - is actively developing Russian engineering company.
Over the years NT-Prom gained a valuable experience in preparing and implementing large-scale engineering projects under advanced international standards.
The basis of our business - use of the advanced international experience of reconstruction of the industrial enterprises and ability to adapt technological achievements of last years to conditions of the Client.
NT-Prom provides an effective technological audit and a detailed substantiation of possible variants of modernization.
Since 2003, NT-Prom involved in the reconstruction of 74 sugar factories in Russia and CIS countries.
NT-Prom employs 3 Doctors of Sciences, 5 Ph.Ds and 53 Engineers.
The main structural units of NT-Prom:
- Department of Research and Development
- Design Bureau
- Automation\Industrial Control Group
- Assembly Group
- Department of Foreign Trade and Logistics
- Groups of Financial and Project Management
Besides sugar branch the company is engaged in engineering in the chemical and mining industries, has environmental projects for cement production from sugar industry wastes...
Scientific-production enterprise "Promosedia" (PI Sotnikov, Valery Alexandrovich") c 1999 under the leadership of Doc. tech. PhD, Professor Sotnikov V. A. is actively developing in the sphere of creation and industrial production auxiliary production substances antiseptirujut drugs for the prevention and rapid destruction of foreign microorganisms used in food and microbiological industries.
- 1999 and on Nast. time-research work in the field of technical Microbiology and food production technology to identify specific foreign microflora in food enterprises, identify the causes of these microbiological problems and develop ways to address them. Development of individual antiseptics under the General brand name "Betasept" for various branches of the food industry;
- 2004 – Establishment of industrial production of drugs "Butcept". The mastery of the production of the drug "Betaserc" for the alcohol industry for the preservation of the fermenting wort in the fermentation tanks and the preservation of yeast at the stage of draganac;
- 2005 - development and production of the preparation "Betasept" for suppression of specific microflora at the enterprises for release of baking yeast;
- 2006 – Production of the drug "Betaserc" for the preservation of the seed yeast in brewing, kvass preparing, medovina and serverini, and for the production of several alcoholic and non-alcoholic products;
- 2007 - the Beginning of the series antiseptiruyuschimi preparations for the sugar industry: "Butcept" and "Butcept for compressive water»;
- 2011-Development and production of antiseptics with high temperature resistance and solubility for the alcohol industry at the stage of saccharification wort: "Betasept for saccharification»;
- 2012 – In the framework of import substitution, the expansion of the production base with the establishment and development of technological lines for the production of domestic components antiseptirujut drugs.
- 2014-Development of highly differentiated antiseptic preparations for implementation of the protected fermentations in production of enzyme preparations and in production of citric acid.
SMC Macromer Ltd. is a Russian leader in the sphere of development and production of products for polymer and technical chemistry.
The total number of staff is 130 employees, including 35 employees involved in Research and Development Center.
In 2010, the Company was ranked 30 in the Russian National Business Rating among 646 chemical enterprises registered and conducting their business in the territory of the Russian Federation. The Company was granted the status of “Russian Economy Leader 2010”.
In 2011, the Company was ranked 21 in Russian National Business Rating among 650 enterprises of the Russian Federation. The Company was granted the status of “Russian Economy Leader 2011”.
According to its financial results for 2013 the Company was awarded the title Leader of Russia 2013.


Quality of sugarbeet roots laboratory:
- supply of equipment;
- modernization of existing laboratories;
- installation, installation supervision, starting-up and adjustment works;
- software development for PLC and PC.

Production laboratory:
- supply of equipment;
- software development.

Supply and commissioning of process measuring instruments.

ABO valve was founded in 1993 as a daughter company of a Czech company Siwatec, a. s. With a history of more than 20 years, we are currently one of the largest European manufacturers of shut-off and control valves for industrial applications.
We offer to our customers a wide scope of products which covers butterfly valves for general and industrial use including high performance valves with double and triple offset, knife gate and ball valves as well as safety valves for the most demanding applications.
We emphasize quality and innovation. Our valves have obtained several different European and international certificates like TUV, GOST R, Lloyd’s Register, ABS, DVGW or API 609-0068. The manufacturing facilities are certified by the ISO 9001, which ensures high quality of the products and their durability, as well as the meeting of safety regulations. Product related and country specific certificates can be found in the product sections and also in the certificates section.
The company headquarters, as well as the manufacturing facilities, are located in Olomouc, Czech Republic. The network of our branches all over the world ensures the export of products and services to more than 50 countries. You can find the company branches in Bánská Bystrica (Slovakia), Smolensk (Russia), Singapore, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine), Manama (Bahrain), Shanghai (China) and Instabul (Turkey). Moreover, we have direct sales representatives and dealer offices in numerous countries around Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia&Pacific and Latin America.
Scientific-production enterprise LLC "AQUAR-SYSTEM" was founded in 1993. For more than 25 years, the company has been a developer and manufacturer of measuring sensors and automated systems for various industries.
The company employs more than 50 people, nine of whom have the degree of PhD. In total, the scientific team of the company has more than 300 patents. The competitive advantages of the company include its scientific potential, highly qualified personnel, accumulated experience in the development and implementation of turnkey solutions, as well as effective interaction with customers in the maximum satisfaction of their needs.
Our portfolio of products and services includes turnkey solutions for the supply of sensors and control systems, for the modernization and improvement of production, as well as ongoing service support. We are aimed at improving the quality of products, services and efficiency in saving and spending resources.
The company's products and services are supplied to 19 countries. Our sensors and automated systems are successfully used in many enterprises of the CIS countries, the European Union and Asia.
The company has its distributors and representatives in the countries of the European Union, Iran, China and Russia.

Опытный ремонтно-механический завод "Усть-Лабинский" работает с 1 октября 1972 года. Первоначальной задачей было обеспечение потребностей сахарных заводов Северного Кавказа в запчастях и изготовление определенных видов оборудования. В данный момент, завод является лидером по объемам поставок в России и СНГ, в производстве оборудования для сахарной промышленности

Сайт ОРМЗ -

ООО «Камоцци Пневматика» — технологический лидер в сфере разработки и производства пневматических компонентов для систем промышленной автоматизации.

Camozzi предлагает комплексные решения по автоматизации технологических процессов и производств с использованием пневматического, электромеханического оборудования и широкой номенклатуры запорно-регулирующей арматуры.

ООО «РМГ РУС» более 10 лет является признанным лидером в области поставки промышленного газового оборудования для газоснабжения заводов в странах ЕАЗС.

Специалисты ООО «РМГ РУС» – эксперты в измерении, редуцировании, очистке, осушке и подогреве природного газа, используемого для отопления, электроснабжения и парообразования для различных технологических процессов на сахарных заводах, включая сушку жома.

Компания предлагает полный комплекс услуг, направленных на индивидуальное высокоэффективное решение для каждого клиента, включая проектирование, поставку, пусконаладочные работы, обучение правилам эксплуатации, а также сервисное сопровождение.

Тел.: + 7 (495) 230-84-83


Chemequip Industries Ltd. (Шанхай, Китай) уже 20 лет является лидером в области технологий теплообменников Platecoil в Китае и Азии.

Оборудование с технологией Platecoil обслуживает современные отрасли промышленности: пищевую, химическую, энергетическую, фармацевтическую, природоохранную и так далее.

Мы обеспечиваем основную конкурентоспособность проектов, включая технологии, качество, быстрые сроки поставки, и помогаем улучшить конкурентоспособность продукции, энергопотребление и прибыльность на вашем рынке.

Chemequip производит различные высокоэффективные теплообменники и модули с пластинчатой теплообменной пластиной в качестве основного компонента, такие как охладитель / сушка / кондиционер для сыпучих материалов, включая белый сахар, кристаллизатор статического плавления, испаритель с падающей пленкой, погружной теплообменник, резервуар для льда, пластинчатый льдогенератор, резервуар с ямочной рубашкой. , теплообменник дымовых газов, теплообменник-утилизатор отходящего тепла, сотовые рубашки для отопления и охлаждения и т. д.

Наша продукция экспортируется в Германию, Канаду, Чили, Перу, Таиланд, Японию, Вьетнам, Россию, Корею, Испанию, США, Бразилию, Австралия и другие страны."


Chemequip Industries Ltd.


Cell|Whats App| WeChat: +7 963 610 9335

Tel: +86 27 8789 8319|+86 563 251 8283


Address: 53 Building, 1500 Xinfei Avenue, Songjiang Industrial Park, Shanghai 201611, China


АКОРИМ - производитель машин непрерывного транспорта и иного технологического оборудования для сахарных заводов России, Беларуси и стран СНГ.
Изготовим: свекломоечные комплексы, системы сухой подачи свеклы, мешалки и распределители различных модификаций, фильтры листовые, сборники, дозреватели, преддефекаторы, конвейеры, элеваторы и мн. другое.
Наши преимущества: полный цикл производства, опыт поставок более 15 лет,  собственные производственные мощности и площади, высокая квалификация специалистов, комплексный подход к решению технической задачи, 
разрешительная документация, доставка, шефмонтаж и пусконаладочные работы, оперативное гарантийное (от 24 месяцев), послегарантийное и сервисное обслуживание, наличие запасных частей на складе.
Важнейший приоритет деятельности АКОРИМ - высокое качество и безопасность производимой продукции.
Компания ВИТУРАДО – это высококвалифицированные инженеры в области приводной техники! За плечами многолетний опыт работы в Sew-Eurodrive, Nord, Siemens и сотни тысяч грамотно подобранного оборудования.

Наша команда занимается расчетом, подбором и поставкой мотор-редукторов, редукторов, электродвигателей, ПЧ, муфт и комплектующих для приводов. Предлагаем приводные решения для сахарных заводов.

197342, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Торжковская, дом 5
+7 812 2009 789
Проектирование, поставка оборудования, монтаж, перспективные разработки
Наша компания сотрудничает с известными фирмами, такими как, "Siemens", мировой лидер в области автоматизации и Harrer&Kassen, один из ведущих производителей измерительной техники. Это дает возможность мгновенно, гибко и экономично реагировать на новые требования современного производства, удовлетворяя постоянно растущие требования к таким аспектам, как рост производительности, соблюдение норм безопасности и оптимизация диагностики, а также удобство в использовании и обслуживании. Сотрудники коллектива ООО "Интеграл СТ" проводят научные исследования, ведут опытно-конструкторские работы, а также осуществляют подготовку специалистов предприятий для решения инженерных задач автоматизации производства.
Специализированные решения VEDA на базе преобразователей частоты позволяют решать такие задачи, как электромагнитное перемешивание стали, бесперебойное питание электропривода, управление горнорудным оборудованием и многое другое.
Преимущества продукции VEDA MC
  • Собственные разработки, гибкость исполнения.
  • 100%-й фокус на преобразователях частоты и более 20 лет опыта работы на российском рынке.
  • Адаптация ПЧ под любые применения.
  • ПО для настройки преобразователей частоты на русском языке.
  • Большая сеть сертифицированных партнеров, занимающихся обслуживанием и продажей в России, Белоруссии, Казахстане и других странах СНГ.
  • Кратчайшие сроки поставки продукции в любой регион РФ и стран СНГ.
  • Энергосбережение: в среднем до 50% в применениях с насосами и вентиляторами.
  • Гарантийное и постгарантийное обслуживание оборудования.
ООО «Белорусская Сахарная Компания» — стабильная, успешно развивающаяся компания, реализующая продукцию производственных компаний, входящих в состав БГКПП «БЕЛГОСПИЩЕПРОМ» Республики Беларусь.
Учредителями нашей компании являются четыре крупнейших сахарных завода Республики Беларусь, а именно: ОАО «Городейский сахарный комбинат», ОАО «Скидельский сахарный комбинат», ОАО «Слуцкий сахарорафинадный комбинат», ОАО «Жабинковский сахарный завод», осуществляющие производство свекловичного сахара высокого качества (ГОСТ 33222-2015) и другого ассортимента.
ООО «Белорусская Сахарная Компания» сотрудничает с региональными дистрибьюторскими компаниями, федеральными и локальными ТС, что позволяет охватывать широкий круг потребителей.
На сегодняшний день ООО «Белорусская Сахарная Компания» помимо основных сахарных контрактов является держателем ещё 8 контрактов производственных предприятий, расположенных в Республике Беларусь (детское питание, соки и нектары, овощная и фруктовая консервация и др.).
The application deadline is: May 29-30, 2025
Registration fee: 29 000 rub
Included in the price:
  • Аttending of seminar on May 29-30, 2025;

  • Coffee breaks, lunch, dinner;

  • Access to the materials of the conference.




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Supported by

Institutional partner

Institutional partner
Institutional partner

General partner

General partner
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